Pindala 46 m², maks. 12 osavõtjat
Alates 52,00 € /isik
Ruumide standardvarustusse kuuluvad:
PIHLAJA Pindala 46 m², kuni 12 inimest. Hotelli vestibüülis asuv Pihlaja kabinet on 12 inimesele mõeldud avar ja moodne klaasseinast heliisolatsiooniga koosolekuruum, kus on olemas elektriline ekraan ja töölaud, mille ääres saab ka püstijalu koosolekut pidada. Vestibüüli vahetu lähedus võimaldab korraldada mh rühmatöid. Värsked eined panevad pea tööle ja tulemused räägivad enda eest.
Are you booking a facility for several days? Call +358 10 764 2000
The minimum booking is for 2 hours. Please note the time you need for preparations.
Type of event
Please note that it's mandatory to choose a package. All our meeting packages include the facility and meeting systems and equipment
xx +358 10 764 2000
Tabelis Mudel *
Information about the booking customer
We will send this person a booking confirmation and service messages related to the booking. Reservation details are saved in the Travel and Hospitality Industry customer register.
Payment method
Bonus card or membership benefit
If you have an S-Card or S-Etukortti card (private customers only), show your card to a receptionist in conjunction with your event.
Boost your meeting with a fruit basket, sparkling wine or beverages!
Add participants' allergy and dietary information.