
Pindala 116 m², maks. 30 osavõtjat

Original Sokos Hotel Royal, VaasaHovioikeudenpuistikko 18, 65100 VaasaTel. +358 20 780 8860Kõnede hinnad

Venue information

  • Ruumide paigutusstiilid

    Ruumide paigutusstiilid



    Rühmatööd tabel




  • Koosoleku- ja peopaketid

    Koosoleku- ja peopaketid

    Alates 65,00  /isik

  • Ruumi omadused

    Ruumi omadused

    • Loomulik valgus
    • Loominguline ruum
    • Restoran
    • Takistusteta
  • Tehnika ja varustus

    Tehnika ja varustus

    Ruumide standardvarustusse kuuluvad:

    • Dataprojektor ja ekraan / Telekas
    • Kiire traadita lairibaühendus kõigile osalejatele
    • Pabertahvel
    • Märkmepaberid ja kirjutusvahendid

Meetings in ONNI are not boring! This bright "Creative room" equipped with the latest technology is designed to create stimuli and awaken different senses, e.g. with the help of lighting, functional furniture and material choices. The space is also suitable for more relaxed occasions!

Broneerige Onni

  • Date, time and number of people

    Minimum amount of people is 10
    Partly available
    Fully booked

    Are you booking a facility for several days? Call +358 20 780 8860


    The minimum booking is for 2 hours. Please note the time you need for preparations.

  • Meeting and banquet packages

    Type of event

    Please note that it's mandatory to choose a package. All our meeting packages include the facility and meeting systems and equipment

    xx +358 20 780 8860

  • Table arrangement

    Tabelis Mudel *

  • Booking customer’s details

    Information about the booking customer


    We will send this person a booking confirmation and service messages related to the booking. Reservation details are saved in the Travel and Hospitality Industry customer register.

    Payment method

    Bonus card or membership benefit

    If you have an S-Card or S-Etukortti card (private customers only), show your card to a receptionist in conjunction with your event.

  • Other requests and additional information

    • Additional catering

      Boost your meeting with a fruit basket, sparkling wine or beverages!

    • Allergies and diets

      Add participants' allergy and dietary information.

    • Other information