Tehinselkä on Päijänne suurim seljak. Seurahuone Tehi ruumi seinu kaunistab võrratu Tehinselkä vaadetega fototapeet. Akendest paistab loomulik valgus ning avaneb vaade siseõue terrassirestoranile Pihatto. Stiilne 26m2 ruum koosolekute, nõupidamiste ja intervjuude korraldamiseks.

Broneerige Tehi

Broneeringute käsitlemine inglise, soome ja rootsi keeles.

  • Date, time and number of people *

    Minimum amount of people is 1
    Partly available
    Fully booked

    Are you booking a facility for several days? Call +358 20 123 4654


  • Meeting and banquet packages *

    Type of event:

    Please note that it's mandatory to choose a package. All our meeting packages include the facility and meeting systems and equipment

      xx +358 20 123 4654

    • Table arrangement *

      Tabelis Mudel *

    • Booking customer’s details *

      Information about the booking customer


      We will send this person a booking confirmation and service messages related to the booking. Reservation details are saved in the Travel and Hospitality Industry customer register.

      Payment method

      Bonus card or membership benefit

      If you have an S-Card or S-Etukortti card (private customers only), show your card to a receptionist in conjunction with your event.

      AO tunnus RGBs-card
    • Other requests and additional information

      • Additional catering

        Boost your meeting with a fruit basket, sparkling wine or beverages!

      • Allergies and diets

        Add participants' allergy and dietary information.

      • Other information

    Venue information

    Tehinselkä on Päijänne suurim seljak. Seurahuone Tehi ruumi seinu kaunistab võrratu Tehinselkä vaadetega fototapeet. Akendest paistab loomulik valgus ning avaneb vaade siseõue terrassirestoranile Pihatto. Stiilne 26m2 ruum koosolekute, nõupidamiste ja intervjuude korraldamiseks.

    • Ruumide paigutusstiilid



    • Koosoleku- ja peopaketid

      Alates 80,00 / isik

    • Ruumi omadused

      • Loomulik valgus
    • Tehnika ja varustus

      Ruumide standardvarustusse kuuluvad:

      • Dataprojektor ja ekraan / Telekas
      • Kiire traadita lairibaühendus kõigile osalejatele
      • Pabertahvel
      • Märkmepaberid ja kirjutusvahendid